(Picture courtesy of : Nadiah Ramli my talented photographer daughter)
Nadiah came by to get more shooting experience which is good for her but unfortunately felt rather sick on the morning of the second day so she went to see our trusty family doctor (Dr. Shanta Oomen) and went home to sleep it off. Nowadays you just can’t take risks when you don’t feel well… GO TO THE DOCTOR!!
After the last show Jay and Jue tried to get me to go to dinner before waiting for the post mortem meeting but I decided not too and whilst waiting for two hours kept on getting sms’es asking me about food. Yes, I was hungry… but NO I was not going back before the meeting. Only to find that in the hotel room were Koi, Itcha, Jue and Jay… food and a present (for my birthday). Hahaha.. so that’s why they tried to get me to eat sooner... Sorry guys trying to con a Saggitarian is like, impossible… they either read you and con you back or are completely oblivious to reading between the lines because they’re busy concentrating on something else!! But my heartfelt thanks and love to all of you.
(Picture was taken with my new Tamron 10-24 lens... ilike)
Yeah it’s been one hell of a November.. busy, fun, reflective and thankful.
After OD’ing over fashion and mixing with the beautiful people the whole month of November, it got me thinking. Everyone always wonders why they aren’t as good looking, why they aren’t as rich, why they aren’t so lucky… don’t wonder. Each and everyone of us is unique, each of us has a ability or combination of abilities, each of us has a weakness, each of us is beautiful in some way or another, each of us is ugly in some way or another…. Just like our fingerprints are unique so are we as individuals…… God IS Great!
When you want to feel sorry for yourself, wonder why life is treating you badly or wondering why you aren’t given chances… pick-up the newspaper and read any page. When you read about people losing homes in floods or fires, losing love ones to a tragedy, have no food to eat, are innocent victims of war, human greed and inhuman conditions… counting your blessing and give praise, if you think your life is bad… think again there is ALWAYS someone worse off than you.
Yeah it’s been one hell of a November.. busy, fun, reflective and thankful.
After OD’ing over fashion and mixing with the beautiful people the whole month of November, it got me thinking. Everyone always wonders why they aren’t as good looking, why they aren’t as rich, why they aren’t so lucky… don’t wonder. Each and everyone of us is unique, each of us has a ability or combination of abilities, each of us has a weakness, each of us is beautiful in some way or another, each of us is ugly in some way or another…. Just like our fingerprints are unique so are we as individuals…… God IS Great!
When you want to feel sorry for yourself, wonder why life is treating you badly or wondering why you aren’t given chances… pick-up the newspaper and read any page. When you read about people losing homes in floods or fires, losing love ones to a tragedy, have no food to eat, are innocent victims of war, human greed and inhuman conditions… counting your blessing and give praise, if you think your life is bad… think again there is ALWAYS someone worse off than you.
Meet Stripe.... he is an efficient communicator. He can work a blackberry and send out e-mails via computer. He likes eating at chilis!!
Peace, Love and Respect,