There are people from all backgrounds in my business. From Artistes, Sponsors, Sound System suppliers, Sound Engineers, Musical Instrument Suppliers, Crew, Cleaners, Video Operators, Cameramen, Caterers, Journalists and many, many others. They all come from different backgrounds. I don’t think of them by race, creed, sexual preference, background, color and language… these things NEVER EVER cross my mind. Sometimes the rich guy could be the most down to earth, humble, singlet/slipper wearing person and the poor guy could be a complete ass but again I judge not because upbringing and circumstance sometimes molds people to become who they are… I treat everyone with respect NO MATTER how they treat me or what their backgrounds are.
What I’m saying is just because someone smokes, swears, has tattoos, has long hair or drinks does NOT a bad person make. You may not condone certain things but you decide if you should follow or not. In my life I have seen much and been there but I was not the one participating, neither was I the one to pass judgment… I was there to be the best friend I could be… sometimes that’s all we can be. We were all young once in our lives… my vice before smoking, which I am NOT proud of but circumstance and a weak will pushed me there (but only there). My strong side kept me away from the rest and eventually helped me kick the smoking habit too.
In Malaysia we have been taught to be superficial. Long hair = drug addict, Tattoo = gangster, Music industry = drugs= AIDS (I've heard a minister say this) and our beliefs in God are by the way we dress and the way we act. We’re afraid to be influenced by this, that and the other. But let’s step back and think about it… in a more Western nation where it isn’t custom to cover heads (maybe because of the culture, NOT religion) it doesn't make them any less a Muslim. Or in an environment where people swear openly or have body art, it also doesn't make them any less religious/good/kind. It’s all about the circumstance, surroundings, up bringing and what is in our hearts and minds more than the appearance or what we see at first impression.
What give us the right to be holier-than-thou, or the right to judge others before you judge yourself…. I believe we will all be judged one day but not in this life. So let’s not get all mental about the people and things around us… you don't want people to judge you either!