Thursday, July 26, 2012

Be Who You Are

I understand that everyone has their own opinions and that everyone has a right to feel the way they do, now if only we could just get everyone to understand this we would achieve world peace.  What I don’t get and find downright frustrating is how people want to force their points of view on others.  Be it opinions, religion, beliefs or decisions, people through the ages have insisted that they are  right.

Stop worrying about how people perceive you or what you think.  There are bound to be people who like you and dislike you.  What they feel shouldn’t matter, how you consider other people is all that matters not their consideration of you.  Respect is a two way street and everyone needs to understand this no matter what your lot in life.

Everything is debatable.  Sometimes people offer their opinion so that you may open your eyes and think or choose for yourself.  The opinions become guidance so to speak.  But you have a brain, you choose whether to believe or not, accept or not.  If you want to dispute or disagree it cannot be via emotional outbursts, profanity or blind accusations.  The only way you can get your point across and get people to see your point is by discussion and facts.

We're all imperfect human beings learning and growing all the time.  We all need to stop comparing ourselves to other people, falling prey to peer pressure or bullying.  You are who you are and no one should force you to think otherwise, that is why we’re called individuals.

Peace, Love and Respect.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Band-Age (Tips Pt.2)

Sometime ago I wrote Band Aid (Tips Pt.1) for bands.  After being involved with Versus and going down to a bunch of Gigs I've been inspired to write a few  more Tips and Tricks.  These are only my humble observations as a music and band appreciator for most of my life.  Hope you find them useful :)

1) Get a good promo kit done
A good band bio outlining your music and achievements (properly written) is important.   A picture paints a 1,000 get a good promo picture taken.  It does not need a professional but a nice friend with a nice camera will get the job done

2)  Build an image/personality
Nothing kills good music more than NO personality. Artists say they are serious about their music and are not interest in glamour or fame but that does not mean you do not need an image/personality.

3)  Build a fanbase
You cannot go from zero to hero without support. If you release something and people don't even know you're alive it's pointless.  So work on building a fanbase in the right target market.

4)  Competition is good.
Once in a while competing helps to keeps you ON you toes, gives you a REALITY check and forces you to DO better.  When you compete it pushes you to do better.  Fed up of competitions then perform together with other bands and compete against each other.  Just because you’re on top now doesn’t mean you’ll be there forever.

5) In life you NEVER stop learning.
And neither do changes so fast that you NEED to keep up whether it is in  performance or marketing.  Keeping up with the changes pays off.

6) Don’t fall into the Rockstar trap
If you have a group of 50 diehard fans DON'T FORGET you have another 500,000 (or 5,000,000) more to capture. Too many Artistes get carried away in believing that they have fans when actually it’s an entourage of hangers-on.

7) Stay together
When in a room full of artistes/celebrities always stick together if you want to be known as a band and not as individuals. Especially in a room where there are photographers you want to pictured together.

8)  Never-ending Perfection
If you think you’re perfect, you're not…When U have perfected the music/vocal, work on the way you look, work on audience interaction, work on fitness..there's always a lot to do

9)  Achieve Excellence
The difference between mediocre & excellence is sweating the small stuff (& big stuff) "the devil is in the details”.  When you’ve done all the obvious you pay attention to the smallest detail of how you look, practice in front of  mirror, what clothes you going to wear, how clean your equipment is, what you pack for a gig… down to the last detail.

 10) Don’t take your music for granted
Many bands have been performing the same songs for years but NEVER take it for granted…All the more reason u should NOT be making mistakes.  Some play the song with a bored look on their face, some make careless mistakes, sing harmonies out of tune. Fans and audience are smart they can pick-up  these things. Keep practicing and if you’re bored rearrange the popular songs or play different versions.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

If Only… What if?...

 I hate good scriptwriters (I mean this in a good way) they are so able to take such normal everyday things that you experience, dramatize it, and then throw it back in your face. Movies, songs, books and comedy are all able to use current issues, events and human emotion to make you relate.  A true art.

I was watching an episode of Grey’s Anatomy (ok, so I am a fan!) which was an "if only" episode, a look at alternative lives for each of the characters in the series, if things had gone differently, what would life be…which got me thinking….

If only and what if’s are dangerous.  Reflecting on how things might have been, should have been, ought to be is a negative emotion.  I have seen many people go through depression, anger, disappointment, frustration and become trapped in those feelings, always repetitively questioning themselves and ruing their situation in life.  But being defeatist is half the battle lost. Pessimism, over-thinking and negativity are a never-ending cycle that begets more of the same.

Believe me you are NEVER alone.  Everyone suffers from seemingly impossible problems, wrong decisions, bad luck and adversity.  I have been through my fair share of problems, life has never been a bed of roses and I’m constantly learning, which I suspect will go on for a long as I live. 

The smile belies the truth but I have never regretted anything and when I’ve looked back those things have always happened for a good reason.  If asked if I would change anything in my life…I wouldn’t.  These are the experiences in life that mold and teach you.  They’re life’s pop quizzes and test that you take and move on. 

The closing monologue by Meredith Grey -  “Your life is a gift. Accept it. No matter how screwed up or painful it seems to be. Some things are going to work out as if they were destined to happen. As if they were just meant to be.” (Grey’s Anatomy Season 8, Episode 13 “If/Then”)

If Only, is only an excuse… it does not mean that the “then” would be positive.   There is no absolute certainty of that or anything else.  Life is always what YOU make it. It’s too short not to live SO keep moving forward…

Peace, Love and Respect

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Music - A Lesson in Unity

Gig Triple Play a rockin' good time - Bunkface, Hujan & Nidji
The thought did cross my mind.  Would there be Indonesians throwing chairs at Malaysians or Malaysians shouting obscenities at Indonesians.  TV9’s Gig Triple Play over last Saturday was a combination of 3 Bands from 2 Countries on 1 Stage.  Nidji from Indonesia, Bunkface and Hujan from Malaysia.  Entrance was free but restricted by invitation to control the number of people in the hall but was broadcast live for those that could not get in.

But the scene was far from that of unrest and violence.  It was not only an amazing show of musical and performing talent but I walked away from the show with a feel good feeling in my heart and humming songs in my head.

Here were three band who were very comfortable with their musical direction, ability and image.  Confident about performing.  No qualms about singing each other’s song.  No insecurities.  Their only concern was doing the best for their fans who they had all worked hard in getting to come to the gig.  And that night you couldn’t tell the Bunkers from the Raingers to the Nidjiholics. 

For 2.5 hours all the fans sang each other’s song, they jumped around and a danced and just plain enjoyed themselves without a thought of what country, race or creed. And when the three bands closed the show together the musical bond of friendship between them was evident on their faces.

The Malaysian bands were gracious hosts respecting the ability of the awesome prowess of Nidji and the Indonesian band in return paid a shining tribute to the formidable talent of both Bunkface and Hujan.  

Giring, the lead singer of Nidji summed it up on stage in front of the audience, “Di pentas ini kami lupakan dari mana kami datang. Kami bukan dari Indonesia dan juga bukan Malaysia. Tiada perbezaan langsung, malah muzik telah menyatukan kami. Di atas pentas ini, kami lupakan semua itu.” (Translation : On this stage we forget where we come from.  We are not from Indonesia and also not from Malaysia.  There is no difference between us, music has united is.  On this stage, everything becomes insignificant.”)

Sudirman "Chow Kit Road" 100,000 Malaysians came in support
Yes, words of wisdom.  We in the entertainment business have always known that music has the ability to inspire and unite.  P. Ramlee did that.  Sudirman did that.  They have entertained Malaysians of all ages, race, creed. The fans of music (or film) in unison, watching one artiste, singing along, clapping or waving hands, laughing, crying and for the duration of the show all the differences are forgotten. 

Now if only governments and world leaders could be artistes.  Artistes NEVER things of themselves they perform for the crowd, uppermost in their minds is serving the people watching them and the only gratification is when the crowd (fans or not) walk away happy.  The medium is different but the means to an end is the same.  You cannot achieve unity if you have your own interest at heart…. When you serve others, to the best of your ability, they in return will serve you.

Peace, Love and Respect