So this brings me to Reza Salleh’s comment that most people fall into the arts by mistake, not by design… especially their parent’s design. This is so true their parents and teachers want them to be doctors, lawyers, engineers, accountants some profession where you can be comfortable, maybe not happy, but comfortable.
Our education system also doesn't help that it’s academically driven, only caring about how many A1’s you get not if you’re a natural born performer or athlete. Not everyone is an academic some of us learn better when we’re being creative. Yes, I’m a right brainer…
In more mature communities, school recognize that when you have
certain talents/interests they channel you into different specialized classes yet
encourage you to score a minimum in regular studies to continue to be “on the
team” or “represent your school/country”.
This is a good way of hanging a carrot to keep up in academics but allowing you pursue your talent.

He worked hard and
was recognized for his work as a sessionist, arranger and producer of some of
the biggest names in the business. He had also won a number of prestigious awards but his parents never came to offer support or celebrate
his achievements and speaking to him, as I always noticed he came alone to
these events, he always brushed it off lightly but I knew that inside it
One day after 3-4 years
of being one of the best musicians in the business his parents decided to come
to one of the award shows. For the first
time I saw how truly happy he was and when I met his parents at the post award
press conference (he had won best musical arrangement) and told them that they
must be proud of their son, you could see the respect and pride they had for
him and as they stood together I thought, “Wow! That’s the first time I had
seen a win truly mean something to him". He worked hard to be the best at what he loved and to finally get his parents support and recognition was his BIGGEST reward.

This story left a BIG impression on me. Some people search all their lives, some just
know what they were put on this earth for… always follow your heart and be ALL that you can be…
Peace. Love and Respect
P/s :
To my
friend Reza Salleh, talented singer, composer, music entrepreneur - Congratulations on 7 years of “Moonshine” (An ALL IMPORTANT performance showcase platform for solos/bands/songwriters/experimental music both new and experienced) and on
choosing “the musical path” may it reward you and your talent with happiness
and security.