52 years and another Prime Minister later we follow another dream called 1Malaysia.
I’m having trouble understanding the concept although in essence I love and support the idea. It is a call for acceptance, to recognized and take into consideration the needs of every ethnic group. We would be having to take a holiday every other day, speak 200 different languages and understand a myriad of cultures, which mind you also change with the times.
Tolerance… will never lead to true unity. The meaning of the word is enough to make you cringe… forbearance, endure, acceptance…. doesn’t all this point to a capacity, a limit. We need to get to a point where we don’t even think about race, break down all the barriers and take that step towards being true Malaysians, become one nation.
And what does 1Malaysia have to do with the tagline “Rakyat didahulukan, Pencapaian diutamakan”? (People first, Achievement Now) this NEEDS to be a maxim for the government not the people!! We don’t need to understand that the needs of the people go first and that meritocracy rules. This IS what WE the people have always wanted anyway (unless you are greedy, selfish or uneducated).
Before the National Anthem required an official function before it was sung. Why? Why can’t it be sung everywhere? Football game? Cinema? Before any event? Where there is alcohol served? In a church? In a mosque? WHY NOT? When we play the national anthem and we can moved people to feel proud to be Malaysia, shed a tear understanding the lyrics, … does it matter where they are, who they are, what their background is? Negaraku never fails to move me….
Like as in all things understanding comes with education. If we want our children to throw rubbish in a dustbin, cover their mouths when they yawn, get up and offer a seat to someone who needs, respect their elders it needs to be taught when they are born and continue right through their school life not at primary school level when they already have bad habits and preconceived ideas. They need positive role models from their parents to their teachers. The nationalistic spirit needs to be instilled to a point where it is runs on auto and comes without thought.
I never think of my friends as Indian, Chinese or Malay. This has been true since school until this very day. We are friends because we share the same aspirations, interests, uncanny sense of humor and enjoy each other’s company. Creed, colour and race bears no significance and only passion and the desire to do the best you can for yourself, your family, your country that allows you to work with others to achieve. I’m sure Nicol David, Tony Fernandes, Lee Chong Wei, Karamjit Singh and others who have achieved the Malaysian Dream never thought of themselves as anything but Malaysians wanting to succeed.
It is a brave new world… we take the step to become one... this all starts with you and me… we make the difference no matter how big or small the contribution there is no such thing as insignificance in effort….
I have a dream…
No oppression, No discrimination, No segregation
I’m having trouble understanding the concept although in essence I love and support the idea. It is a call for acceptance, to recognized and take into consideration the needs of every ethnic group. We would be having to take a holiday every other day, speak 200 different languages and understand a myriad of cultures, which mind you also change with the times.
Tolerance… will never lead to true unity. The meaning of the word is enough to make you cringe… forbearance, endure, acceptance…. doesn’t all this point to a capacity, a limit. We need to get to a point where we don’t even think about race, break down all the barriers and take that step towards being true Malaysians, become one nation.
And what does 1Malaysia have to do with the tagline “Rakyat didahulukan, Pencapaian diutamakan”? (People first, Achievement Now) this NEEDS to be a maxim for the government not the people!! We don’t need to understand that the needs of the people go first and that meritocracy rules. This IS what WE the people have always wanted anyway (unless you are greedy, selfish or uneducated).
Before the National Anthem required an official function before it was sung. Why? Why can’t it be sung everywhere? Football game? Cinema? Before any event? Where there is alcohol served? In a church? In a mosque? WHY NOT? When we play the national anthem and we can moved people to feel proud to be Malaysia, shed a tear understanding the lyrics, … does it matter where they are, who they are, what their background is? Negaraku never fails to move me….
Like as in all things understanding comes with education. If we want our children to throw rubbish in a dustbin, cover their mouths when they yawn, get up and offer a seat to someone who needs, respect their elders it needs to be taught when they are born and continue right through their school life not at primary school level when they already have bad habits and preconceived ideas. They need positive role models from their parents to their teachers. The nationalistic spirit needs to be instilled to a point where it is runs on auto and comes without thought.
I never think of my friends as Indian, Chinese or Malay. This has been true since school until this very day. We are friends because we share the same aspirations, interests, uncanny sense of humor and enjoy each other’s company. Creed, colour and race bears no significance and only passion and the desire to do the best you can for yourself, your family, your country that allows you to work with others to achieve. I’m sure Nicol David, Tony Fernandes, Lee Chong Wei, Karamjit Singh and others who have achieved the Malaysian Dream never thought of themselves as anything but Malaysians wanting to succeed.
It is a brave new world… we take the step to become one... this all starts with you and me… we make the difference no matter how big or small the contribution there is no such thing as insignificance in effort….
I have a dream…
No oppression, No discrimination, No segregation
Tanah tumpahnya darahku,
Rakyat hidup
bersatu dan maju
Rahmat bahagia
Tuhan kurniakan,
Raja kita
selamat bertakhta
Rahmat bahagia
Tuhan kurniakan
Raja kita
selamat bertakhta
Peace, Love and Respect,
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