Wednesday, June 20, 2012

1Malaysia starts with 1School

Why has it taken our country so long to figure out that we HAVE to get rid of segregation and the need for racial separation.  Is this a case of divide and conquer? Keeping everyone happy? Well it is NOT working.  Today we have more division than ever and a total mismanagement of affairs.

The first thing that the People In Power need to do is to be decisive in their decisions and STAND THEIR GROUND.. sure we will always have detractors and opposition but we have to choose what is best for OUR country.

Like as in all things, understanding comes with education.  If we want our children to respect each other, be cultured and well mannered, it needs to be taught at home and inculcated when they are born and then go to school not when they already have preconceived ideas and bad habits.  They need positive role models in their parents and teachers.

I have no problem with the medium of education.  If it is to be Bahasa Melayu then the English teachers must be skilled, not those who themselves struggle with tenses/vocabulary and visa-versa should English be chosen as the medium of education.  All other languages should be taught in school at least 3 times a week so that people may choose which language they wish to pick-up. 

We have to reach a time when the nationalistic spirit/pride runs on auto and comes without thought. Where colour, creed and race bear no significance and only passion and the desire to do the best you can for your country, your family and yourself is what we look to achieve.  It is no longer about tolerance or about living together because we are truly 1Malaysia.

There are so many things that will fall into place once we achieve this.  All things based on racial sentiment will no longer exist one cannot shake nationalistic spirit if there is no race involved.  Things will be based on meritocracy not on skin color and quotas.

It is an absolute NO BRAINER that it should be 1Sekolah 1Malaysia then only can our children live in unity and learn/respect each other as Malaysians… that is true integration. So what is there left to think about… what’s holding everyone back… a group of selfish people, a couple of nay sayers… that’s our problem it just takes a small group of fuddy-duddies to not endorse or fear the change and the People In Power listen.

Saya sokong sepenuhnya penghapusan sekolah vernakular.  Dengan kewujudan satu sistem persekolahan kita akan dapat mengatasi pengasingan kaum dan mencapai 1Malaysia yang sebenar.


Peace, Love and Respect

If you agree please show your support by signing the petition :

P/S :  The other can of worms that goes with this is that all FRONT liners... Teachers, Armed Forces, Doctors and Nurses need to be paid enough so that it becomes a respected career that they can live off not constantly think about doing something on the side, run to the private sector or worse migrate to another country just to make ends meet.

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