Now if you see an ambulance hurriedly coming down the road, sirens blaring what should you do :
a) Step on the accelerator. The ambulance will NEVER catch up with you;
b) Wait for the ambulance to pass and then step on the accelerator and follow it down the road it’ll help you get to your destination faster;
c) Just drive normally it’ll avoid you and after all, even if it passes you, it can’t go anywhere it's already jam;
d) “Aiya! Bet the ambulance driver is rushing to eat lunch!! Who cares you think you’re the only one that hasn’t eaten ah?”
ALL OF THE ABOVE is what most Malaysian drivers do.
Now put yourself in the ambulance. You have a family member that’s dying and in need of immediate hospital care, then you understand why you need to yield and get out of the way. In situations like this time is of the essence. I’ve been there with my father who had suffered a stroke, his heart had stopped and he was turning blue. The sense of helplessness is alarming. You can only but pray and hope that traffic moves faster.
My father survived the ordeal but I learnt and invaluable lesson which I hope to pass on to anyone reading this. PLEASE when you see an ambulance approaching get out of the way move over, let the ambulance through…. Someone’s life may depend on it.
Thank you. Peace, Love and Respect,
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