There goes the last of the good men. Tiger Woods has had an affair *gasp* and *shock horror*. What has the world come too. Is life full of escape, backspace and undo buttons?
I don’t want to go on a rant but I find guys stop maturing at fifteen and they always think with their d*@ks. Emotionally guys are the weaker sex. Never satisfied with what they have. When the girlfriend/wife tries to communicate you either get -
a) The Silent treatment;
b) Code Red : All systems shut down (sleep); or
c) I’m going to turn to another woman who understands me.
And if they have had enough time to think about it the whole issue becomes your fault or problem, “You drove me to do it!”. …ESCAPE button….
Don’t get me wrong. I LOVE men. They are adorable, helpless, charming (when they want to be) but sometimes they can be downright self absorbing, selfish, pompous. Sometimes I think the woman is at fault. In the beginning of relationships they bend over backwards to please, give up part of their life, pamper the man…. then when the focus turns over to the kids (who need attention 25 hours a day) or work, the man feels he’s lost the attention of the woman. You can’t win…. BACKSPACE key…
The problem with relationships is that you are NEVER sure of the other person. You’re always questioning, “Do they love me!”. You can only be sure of how YOU feel. Women ask this 200 times of their men. Not because they don’t trust you but it’s because they want to hear you say it, stoopid!! But then again 200 times is a biiiiiit much. Moral of the story - Everyone needs to remember people aren’t mind readers, sometimes you need to show how you feel. There is NO harm in once in a while showing affection, showing appreciation… people constantly crave response…
We are always tested in life. When you have a relationship/marry someone they are not perfect and neither are you. Then comes along someone who has that missing component that you miss and the more you see it the more you miss it…. Then if your relationship is not strong you begin to find fault in the person you’re with and you find every possible excuse to call it quits. Yes, unfortunately, that has become the ‘name of the game’…. UNDO button
Before people worked harder at their relationships perhaps because they were not under so much pressure to perform at work AND constant communication (mobile phone, internet, etc.). Priorities in life have changed so much. Sad but true…
Love is simple and uncomplicated. We expect too much from each other. The support should be equal, the responsibility should be equal and the respect should be equal. No one is lesser than the other…. No one loves the other more….
Yeah… one day my prince will come…..
Peace, love and respect,
I don’t want to go on a rant but I find guys stop maturing at fifteen and they always think with their d*@ks. Emotionally guys are the weaker sex. Never satisfied with what they have. When the girlfriend/wife tries to communicate you either get -
a) The Silent treatment;
b) Code Red : All systems shut down (sleep); or
c) I’m going to turn to another woman who understands me.
And if they have had enough time to think about it the whole issue becomes your fault or problem, “You drove me to do it!”. …ESCAPE button….
Don’t get me wrong. I LOVE men. They are adorable, helpless, charming (when they want to be) but sometimes they can be downright self absorbing, selfish, pompous. Sometimes I think the woman is at fault. In the beginning of relationships they bend over backwards to please, give up part of their life, pamper the man…. then when the focus turns over to the kids (who need attention 25 hours a day) or work, the man feels he’s lost the attention of the woman. You can’t win…. BACKSPACE key…
The problem with relationships is that you are NEVER sure of the other person. You’re always questioning, “Do they love me!”. You can only be sure of how YOU feel. Women ask this 200 times of their men. Not because they don’t trust you but it’s because they want to hear you say it, stoopid!! But then again 200 times is a biiiiiit much. Moral of the story - Everyone needs to remember people aren’t mind readers, sometimes you need to show how you feel. There is NO harm in once in a while showing affection, showing appreciation… people constantly crave response…
We are always tested in life. When you have a relationship/marry someone they are not perfect and neither are you. Then comes along someone who has that missing component that you miss and the more you see it the more you miss it…. Then if your relationship is not strong you begin to find fault in the person you’re with and you find every possible excuse to call it quits. Yes, unfortunately, that has become the ‘name of the game’…. UNDO button
Before people worked harder at their relationships perhaps because they were not under so much pressure to perform at work AND constant communication (mobile phone, internet, etc.). Priorities in life have changed so much. Sad but true…
Love is simple and uncomplicated. We expect too much from each other. The support should be equal, the responsibility should be equal and the respect should be equal. No one is lesser than the other…. No one loves the other more….
Yeah… one day my prince will come…..
Peace, love and respect,
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