Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Shout! Shout! Let It All Out...

So I say thank you for the music, for giving it to me.....
You would think that after doing this for 24 years one it would be a walk in the park but I never fail to have an anxiety attack before ALL my shows... to make sure you get the concept and performers right... then you have to execute it like no one has ever seen before... it is a task that no one can do alone.
I am blessed to be working with some of the best people in the business. I remember when I was 18 years old I saw a t-shirt that read, "How do you fly like an eagle when you're surrounded by turkeys"... and this is something that is so true. Organizers sometimes think that they pay one consultant or professional and, "Viola!!" all problems are solved. It doesn't work that way, we all have to be eagles to be able to fly high... it only takes one turkey to kill all the eagles. That's why I believe in NO compromise because we all want the best therefore all the bases are covered.... from stage to sound and light to performers to musicians to logistics to seating to promotions to toilet cleaner... all the jobs are just as important as each other... no one is more important or less important. Diligence...Patience... Understanding... Teamwork... Conscientiousness... Passion.....is needed in all areas.... going the extra mile is what makes the difference between normal and excellence.

The other part of this puzzle is the actual performer. We provide the platform for them to do things they would never dream of.... fly in the air...sing with a orchestra.... perform with someone else... when they understanding that we do our best to enhance their performance they in turn give their best. After all when the curtains go up the show is in their hands. So yes, I salute them too for providing magical performances.
And then we have to remember that we all have to pace ourselves to peak on the night of the show... not during soundcheck.... not during full dress rehearsals.... but ON THE NIGHT.

Stage designer, Stage Contractor, Video screens, Equipment and operators, Lighting designer and Operator, Music Arranger, Sound Engineer, Monitor Engineer, Stage Hands, Stage Managers, Musical Instrument Supplier, Artiste.... and the list goes on....
Even when I step back and look at the bigger picture it never fails to scare me .... at the recent AIM awards we had 100 Dikir Baraters, 70 National Service Trainees, 200 Hujan and Meet Uncle Hussain Fans, 25 Musicians, 35 Dancers... 50 Artistes... but all it takes is to for one to Artiste choke up when they are nominated, or win an award or have a chance to perform on a stage they never dreamed of ...that's how much the recognition means to them AND this is what drives me (personally) to continue to strive to do my best... this is what makes you want to do it all over and over again....
So I say thank you for the music.... for giving it to me.....
25 Things
1 - My kids mean the world to me.
2 - I’d give my right hand to be able to play the guitar properly… wait a minute without my right hand I’d be unable to play the guitar!!
3 - I wanted to be a pilot… I HATE maths… I HATE physics… I guess NOT
4 - I am NEVER late… thanks to my military styled dad and mom
5 - I LOVE the sea.. the sight, sound and smell just turns me on.
6 - If I could change anything… I WOULDN’T!
7 - I REALLY do miss my mum and dad…
8 - If a psycho killer came to me and said, “Sing or die!!”… I’d say, “Kill me NOW!”… I CANNOT sing to save my life..
9 - I’ve had a good life and for that I count my blessings DAILY
10- I DON’T dance… I have 2 left feet.
11- Whilst on the subject of feet… mine are like a hobbit’s (minus the hair la)… helped by the fact that I HATE wearing shoes
12- DON'T invite me to a fine dining dinner… I am an Olympic speed drinker and eater.
13- I cry at ALL movies… happy, sad, animated, comedy…
14- I’m a creature of habit… I go to a restaurant.. I read the menu for the 500th time.. comment on how nice the dishes look… and proceed to order the same thing for the 500th time!
15- I DON’T drive… if I cannot afford a Mercedes Benz AMG why the hell should I need to!
16- I’ve fallen head over heels in LOVE with scuba diving.
17- I believe in standing up and MAKING a difference.
18- I LOVE to travel.
19- My family had no idea about my skydiving.. if they did I would NEVER have been able to do it.
20- There is NO such thing as reducing cigarettes or easing off smoking… it’s cold turkey or NOTHING!
21- I love tea… Black, Green, 2in1, Chinese, Ice Lemon, Lychee, Tarik… in a cup, mug, bottle, glass… hot, cold, frosted…. I LOVE tea.
22- I’m half Irish, a quarter Chinese and a quarter Australian, born bred and a true blue MALAYSIAN… how’s THAT for cosmopolitan.
23- I get my clothes ready the night before.. next day 10 mins in the bath… 5 mins picking up stuff.. out the door!
24- I LOVE talent and passion.. there is something very appealing about god-given talent and passion put to good use.
25- Music is my LIFE… has, is and will be forever…
Originally posted on Facebook Notes on Tuesday, February 3, 2009 at 9:06pm
If You Love Someone Set Them Free
In a relationship when things go bad you don't hang on you have to let go.. And when you love someone and you've done all you can do, you set them free, and if that love was true it will all come back to you...If You Love Someone Set Them Free...
As a parent you 're always afraid of letting go of your kids. You nuture them, you teach them, you watch them grow and then one day they turn around and grow up. Sometimes t's hard for parents to understand this but if they love you in return they will ALWAYS come back to you... If You Love Someone Set Them Free...
And this rings true for all your relationships new or old, love or business... sometimes we have to learn to let go...letting go, even though it brings you pain, it is the ultimate sacrifice for both parties... therefore .. If You Love Someone Set Them Free...
and you will find life goes on....
If you love someone, set them free. If they come back they're yours; if they don't they never were. - Richard Bach
Butterfly - Mariah Carey
When you love someone so deeply
They become your life
It's easy to succumb to overwhelming fears inside
Blindly I imagined I could
Keep you under glass
Now I understand to hold you
I must open up my hands
And watch you rise
Spread your wings and prepare to fly
For you have become a butterfly
Fly abandoned into the sun
If you should return to me
We truly were meant to be
So spread your wings and fly
I have learned that beauty
Has to flourish in the light
Wild horses run unbridled
Or their spirit dies
You have given me the courage
To be all that I can
And truly feel your heart will
Lead you back to me when you're
Ready to land
Spread your wings and prepare to fly
For you have become a butterfly
Fly abandoned into the sun
If you should return to me
We truly were meant to be
So spread your wings and fly
I can't pretend these tears
Aren't over flowing steadily
I can't prevent this hurt from
Almost overtaking me
But I will stand and say goodbye
For you'll never be mine
Until you know the way it feels to fly
Spread your wings and prepare to fly
For you have become a butterfly
Fly abandoned into the sun
If you should return to me
We truly were meant to be
So spread your wings and fly
Originally posted by Facebook Notes on Monday, January 19, 2009 at 11:34pm
Blood on their hands......

In commercial outfits they fin the sharks and then throw them back into the sea. That is like taking a human being, cutting off their arms and legs and throwing them into the sea alive...NO chance of survival and a slow death. This place we saw has boats going back and forth throughout the day bringing in sharks for slaughter.
I want to see those sharks ALIVE in the water!!! Not DEAD and in soup...

Hop On Hop Off My City
So during bulan puasa people struggle with things to do to keep themselves occupied and their minds off food. After all one of our national pastimes is not possible (eating) leaving only one (shopping) provided you have money. So this weekend, instead of sitting at home and wondering what to eat for buka at 10am in the morning, I decided to take Nadiah and our cameras "jalan-jalan" around Kuala Lumpur with the KL Hop On Hop Off Tour!!

Now with all the nonsense our country is experiencing thanks to our politicians we forget what our country is all about. Thanks to my jalan-jalan it just reaffirmed my love for my country (apart from providing photographic subject matter). In one day I have visited a temple in Chinatown, the Sri Mahamariamman Temple, the National Mosque and St. Mary's Church apart for all the other sites some of which I did not get off but will another day!!
Ours is a warm, friendly multicultural country with people all wanting the same thing... security, respect and a place to call home. No matter what god we pray to.. no matter what our cultural differences... no matter where we come from... we are MALAYSIAN!! It was the first time Nadiah has seen all this and I was happy for her to experience and rejoice in our differences!!
Once again I am humbled by life. It was one of the most enjoyable Sundays in Kuala Lumpur I've had in a while.... MY Town.... MY Country!!
Originally posted on Facebook Notes on Sunday, September 14, 2008 at 10:05pm
The One Where You Learn About Diving, Education and Life
This is what I've learnt :
a) How to appreciate God, Nature and My Life
b) Patience (Good things come to those who wait)
c) The importance of friendship and watching out for them (the buddy system)
e) MALAYSIANS (I still love them) have a tidak apa attitude
f) Our education system is CRAP!!

b) Watching underwater photographers at work has shown me how patience pays off. They can wait motionless in one spot for minutes waiting for the subject to strike a pose but when you see their results you understand why they wait..... Good things come.
c) In diving you not only look out for yourself but for your buddy and others. That is a responsibility that all divers take. If you don't one day it could be you in trouble... And then out of water you have a special bond of friendship because you have experience things that some people may never do or see in their lifetime.... Friendship means looking out for each other!
d), e) f) Malaysian are badly educated in all things other than academic (and even that one wonders) we need to understand life is more than 13 A1s. It's about understanding, appreciation and conservation. We are taught nothing of this in school and we expect our future generation to care!!! Throwing rubbish outside, cigarette butts, plastic bags... adults and kids do it alike.... with not a second thought. Our government doesn't give a damn either... dustbins nowhere in sight in public places.... who cares that plastic bags kill, who cares that cigarette butts are non biodegradable.... I can't even begin to start the story and there is NO end in sight... but you know what I mean.....
But all of us can make a difference. Yes, unfortunately leadership IS by example... monkey see monkey do.... You throw tissue out the window, your kids throw tissue out the window..... you teach everyone that it's ok to touch and remove things from the sea, everyone says I saw someone else do it why can't I... When someone bought shells cheaply from a stall and in jest was told, "When The Buying Stops The Killing Will Stop Too"..... the truth hits home. It's true when there is demand there will forever be supply.... Sharks Fin, Tiger Bones, Bear's Paws, Ivory, Shells.....the list is endless.
Apathy is a Malaysian's standard reaction, "Aiya.. it's oklah, nevermind I can't do much anyway.."
Yeah diving made me think of all of this.... LIFE IS TOO SHORT.... we need to do what we can do in our lifetime. Understand, Appreciate and Conserve for others that come after us.... The future is in ALL out hands now it's just a matter of whether we CARE ENOUGH.
Originally posted on Facebook Notes on Friday, July 4, 2008 at 12:51am
F.R.I.E.N.D.S. - The One Where You Give Thanks!!
In the past few months I've learnt where my indifference comes from. I am such an emotional person but you'd NEVER believe me. Only the closest people around me have ever seen me be emotional. This I realize has come from moving schools and changing friends a lot when I was young. I moved with my parents round KL/Selangor and went from Garden School to Good Sheppard to Assunta to CBN to Sri Inai and finally to Talyor's College. It was hard for me to keep on making friends and then having to leave them so after a while I blocked out feeling anything and just learned to walk away and NEVER look back. Friendships were never deep, yeah I had lots of friends but I never kept in touch, never went out, never share a real bond of friendship.
Being an only child you have an advantage of not sharing your parents love but you also have to learn to fend for yourself. So I've gone through life ensuring that nothing ever makes me truly excited, happy, sad, angry.... yes I feel those emotions deeply but I don't let them get to me because indifference doesn't hurt or disappoint.
So I've always held people at arm’s length.... my life always revolved around office, house, studio and back....but lately I have met people that I have let myself open up and be drawn to them and yes.... strange as it may be.... I feel the bond of friendship and I suddenly realize what an important part of life it is.... and I give thanks for that. We go to gym, we play badminton, we watch movies, we eat, we drink coffee, we dive, we talk and laugh... yeah it feels good...
so my deepest thanks to friends who have always been there especially in my office Atie, Ayie, Itcha, Jay, Ju, Koi, Nanee, Nicole, Sat, ..... although out relationship has not gone much out of the office but the friendship has meant so much.....we've pretty much been thru the fire together...
My new found friends....from the activities above will know who you are.....
To all the people have touched my life, and made me the person I am today...
I thank you ALL from the bottom of my HEART for being there for your presence has enriched MY life..... and hell yeah IT FEELS DAMN GOOD!!!
Originally posted on Facebook Notes on Monday, June 16, 2008 at 1:13am
Of Sundays, Jaclyn Victor and Live Music......
So yeah everyone's used to seeing Jac sing one song, appearing in every publicity program, award show, VIP function, corporate dinner but folks that really ain't Jac Victor. She can sing without a doubt, text book perfect but you never quite see the really Jac until you see her sing a full set at ease, no big hair, no ballgowns, no VIP just herself. Then you see the real Jac the singer with the heart and soul and energy that draws you in as audience.
I learnt something AGAIN today but its things we already know but sometimes forget.... Music needs to be performed live... there is NO substitute for live musicians.... and true singers thrive on this!! The feel, the vibe, the passion.... that's what live music is all about. LIVE = ALIVE!!
The other thing that I learnt is that live music moves people.... if we had a live music scene here more people would start buying music. You never get the same response from minus one shows. Even me as a seasoned viewer, I am never failed to be moved by a GOOD live performance. Malaysians are spoilt by passive minus one performances both live and on television!!! (Might as well just play the CD at home). LIVE MUSIC = IMPASSIONED PEOPLE
And last but not least if you're wondering how come our bands are never as tight as Indonesian bands don't... if our bands played 50 shows a month like them they'd be tight too!!! Our bands have no platform for performance most of the time it's one song on TV (sometimes even miming!!!!) or a three song set. PRACTISE = PERFECT. This brings me to my final observation is that people in Malaysia (and everywhere else) have to learn to appreciate and pay for music. Music powers everything advertising campaigns, radio, television entertainment, mobile phone content, OUR LIVES.... just to name a few.... people whether public or corporate need to realize this and GIVE MUSIC IT’S DUE....
Originally posted on Facebook Notes on Sunday, June 15, 2008 at 11:26pm
Face to Face....
Then it occurred to me that I'm an adrenalin junkie... even my job pumps adrenalin but apart from pumping adrenalin over time I have come to realize something more important that living life on the edge is also a humbling experience.

When you see the beauty of the underwater world (which is not our natural environment) you understand that we have a maker that is all mighty....
When you sit on the beach and see a sunset or the stars in a cloudless night sky it takes your breath away and you give thanks for the gift of life......
These experiences teach me how small I am and I am humbled every time I am faced with the Greatness of God....
Originally posted on Facebook Notes on Wednesday, June 4, 2008 at 2:41am
We Live.... We Learn!
As a person who is involved in production watching a show has sometimes lost its' magic as you become highly critical not only of the performance(s) but also the production values (and this is everything from singing to magic to musicals) and only views of local productions but foreign ones suffer the same fate in my eyes too. Even my own shows are not spared from my ever critical self!!As I watched AF6 finals, I try to learn from people's successes and mistakes; it taught me that if the production around the show is of a high standard it lifts everything.
First noticeably was the inclusion of an ORCHESTRA. A handpicked orchestra led by a capable conductor can make an amazing difference to even an orchestra with some exceptional players mixed with some "unexceptional" players... it's about teamwork. RAMLI M.S. never fails to deliver... if he arranges it is even more of a plus point (I suspect in this show he did not to show no favoritism to the contestants). But kudos to Ramli and GENERVIE KAM... the music was lifted to another level for this show.
Next to be noticed... you can have the best musicians in the world playing on top of stage but a BAD MIX can KILL!! Vocal too far in front can kill the singer who will constantly sound flat/sharp.... too much reverb they're singing in a toilet... music not mixed properly can make an amazing arrangement sound bad or a wonderful band sound incompetent. As I listened to the music and without even really noticing it because it was so good I admit the broadcast sound was outstanding!! GREG HENDERSON can obtain the best separation in the business (in layman terms this is when you can hear each instrument, including the vocal, clearly... individually yet one.. if that makes sense!!) It was so good I only realize this half way thru the show... when it's bad you notice... when it's good you don't!!!!
Nice uncluttered modern stage by FAIZAL ZULKIFLI....
Nice lighting and programming by AH KING (student of guru STEVE HO)...
and those that I did not hear but I know must have been good otherwise it would have affected the production .....
Front of house sound (for the people in the room) by ALVIN KOH....
Monitors (Sound for musicians on stage) by SIMON KHOO.
Good music.. good mix... good stage… good lighting....And finally put it together and what do you get SUPERCALIFRAGILISTISEXPEALIDOCIOUS!! A show worth watching! These people who work behind the scenes deserve a standing ovation!!
The performers were not famous artistes neither were they fantastic singers (yet!!) but thanks to the perfection and professionalism that surrounded them they lifted THEMSELVES to another level.
This happens all the time in our business even with the big Artistes. Give them the platform of good production values and they will in turn give you GREAT mind blowing PERFORMANCES.... every good turn deserves another...
Production is all about TEAMWORK.... we work together for only one goal the BEST SHOW YOU CAN DO... anyone who works this job without that passion in their hearts needs to find another job. Every show is different... an experience... so as a team sometimes you win, draw and even lose but whatever happens you tried your best and... WE LIVE... WE LEARN!!
Originally posted on Facebook Notes on Sunday, May 25, 2008 at 12:49pm
LIFE...Just DO It!
If there is something you want to do... and I mean REALLY want to do... just DO IT... anything is possible but like everything you have to work towards it.... so many people put things off because they have no time, no money, no motivation.
Where there is a will there is a way I always say. If you really want to climb Mount Everest DO IT!, If you want to travel the world DO IT!, if you want to Skydive DO IT!..... there's no one stopping you but yourself.... Life is TOO short.
Everyone has responsibilities, no time, no money but your will and your mind are power tools. That is why there are stories of human achievements that are sometimes mind boggling.I'm not asking you to be reckless but I'm asking you to allow yourself to experience life and live your dreams..... so many people let their dreams pass them by because they think that they're impossible....but dreams are fuel for the soul... When you dream you're alive... when you succeed the sense of achievement is the greatest adrenalin you can ever have.
Life is never easy... if it were it wouldn't be Life.... bumps in the road, u-turns, traffic lights, flat tyres are just part of experience in your journey, don't stop and park, solve the problem and continue....then you can say you lived with NO regrets!!
Originally posted on Facebook Notes on Sunday, April 27, 2008 at 9:43am
The Greatest Love of All
It teaches you the Greatest Love that anyone can have is the belief and self respect within yourself. But this can only be achieved when you have love, guidance support and trust from your parents. This is the greatest gift any parent can give their child... not money... not expensive gifts... all they want is LOVE.
As parents we always ask of ourselves have we done enough... are we good enough... do we give enough.... we can only but do the best we can.... educate them... feed them... teach them to be GOD fearing.... LOVE them and then trust them and let them go.... if you have done your job they will always come home... for they know this is the only place they can get unconditional love.
The Greatest Love of all it's easy to achieve....learning to love yourself is the Greatest Love of All...and if by chance that special place that you've been dreaming of..... leads you to a lonely place find your strength in LOVE.. ....
Originally posted on Facebook Notes on Friday, April 25, 2008 at 1:51am
Talent is a thing to respect
I wanted to play music all my life but I guess that wasn't one of the talents that God gave me but I am still lucky to be working amongst such creative people. When you hear an orchestra play, when you hear a singer sing, when you hear a rock band rock..... it is just such an amazing feeling. Yup you're watching a work of art.
Only those of us who work behind the scenes and watch talent at work do you really understand how difficult it is. They work 8 hours or more a day like any other respectable profession.... practice make perfect!! And then they have to get on a stage and entertain or impress an audience. Now if you think it's easy.... here's a microphone you try entertaining 10,000 people...
I thank god everyday that I was born in an era where live music was king. Sudirman was alive, there were live performance clubs galore and the entertainment scene was kicking. I learnt so much from those days and have invaluable experiences that help me understand and appreciate the entertainment business. My job on this earth is to enhance these talented people... if I have achieved this then I am satisfied that I had a small part to play.
If you see an artist or musician that you enjoy watching always remember that they give a piece of themselves to you.... they paint the music with their feelings.. with their personal experiences.. with their passion...which is like a fingerprint... no two people feel or approach things the same way. That is why talent is a thing to respect....
Originally posted on Facebook Notes on Sunday, March 30, 2008 at 1:49am
Life's signboards... keeping your eyes, ears and heart open
When I was 15 my father died leaving my mother alone to look after me and everything else. It must have been a scary moment for my mother to think that she would have to see me through life alone. Some nights I would wake up in the middle of the night and find my mother crying alone in the kitchen and it scared me as I had always seen her as a strong woman. So I prayed to God (who I had never spoken to before) nightly for about 2 weeks to help my mother. A fortnight later my mother turned to me and said, "Jennifer (when she said my full name it was always serious!!) we're going to church... St. Andrews the one I was baptized at!". I looked at her like she had gone mad... church on Sunday when I like to sleep in!! Are you crazy!! She practically dragged me there and we got stuck every Sunday.... she became very involved in church work and eventually she became an elder... she grew from strength to strength with her faith... and even when she died she knew she was going "home".
One year later after following her "religiously" to church I reflected on my request to God and understood that this had been the answer to my prayers... church and the faith had helped my mother and gave her the strength to carry on right to the end of days and for that I thank God and truly believe in the power of prayer. So sometime the answer is not as straight forward as you think..... which brings me to the quote from the movie "Evan Knows" (God speaking to Evan's wife who has walked out, doubting her husband)...
"God: Let me ask you something. If someone prays for patience, you think God gives them patience? Or does he give them the opportunity to be patient? If he prayed for courage, does God give him courage, or does he give him opportunities to be courageous? If someone prayed for the family to be closer, do you think God zaps them with warm fuzzy feelings, or does he give them opportunities to love each other?"
Boy did that hit home.... life is like a highway you have to read the signs or forever be lost.... you MUST believe and have FAITH no matter what your religion!!
Originally posted on Facebook Notes on Friday, March 28, 2008 at 2:59am
Race is a FOUR letter word.....
In standard four I argued with my teacher because I wrote Malaysian on my form where race was. She was adamant that Malaysian wasn't a race but I had different ideas!!.... Well it got my parents a one way ticket to the teacher!!
My father was Irish (he came out here to help fight the communists, got stuck here, fell in love with Malaysia and a Malaysian.... gave up his citizenship to be Malaysian and lived and died here happily ever after)... My mother was of mixed parentage half Chinese, half Australian born in Bentong, Pahang also lived and died a Malaysian citizen.
I am a crazy mixed up kid who has converted to Islam (which makes my kids an even crazier mixed up bunch) also a Malaysian citizen. Given the scenario above that qualifies me to be a........ (now let’s see what's available) a) Malay b) Chinese c) Indian d) Punjabi e) Dayak f) Iban g) Mindanao h)Eurasian .... z) Dan Lain.... I WANT TO BE MALAYSIAN!!!
I have a problem with people needing to know my race... what does it matter... I was born and bred here.... studied 100% in Bahasa Malaysia.. speak, read, write the language... love my country... so that makes me MALAYSIAN.
Next time I fill in a form -
RACE : 100 meters
SEX : Yes please
Original posted on Facebook Notes on Wednesday, March 26, 2008 at 10:35pm
Monday, July 27, 2009
The Magic of Song
Originally posted on Facebook - Sunday, March 23, 2008 at 11:00pm
There’s NO business like show business……….
Music is magic…. You hear a tune and it triggers a flashback in your brain. Whether it was your schools days, you first boyfriend/girlfriend or the day you lost your job. We can help but turn to the soothing sounds (or the angst whatever your choice may be) of music. Music colors your life everywhere you turn.
I have only one grouse in that people nowadays take music for granted because it is so readily available. No one ever thinks what a movie would be without a soundtrack, what it would be like to be stuck in a traffic jam or driving long distance, and I wonder what those fashionable phones and mp3 players would be like without music.
The ironic thing is that in this day and age where music is everywhere, because it is so portable, and music can sell like no other medium can, we have forgotten about the creators for without them there is no music. Strangely enough music drives everyone’s advertising campaign telecommunication companies, mobile phone makers, television stations, movie soundtracks, but the creators still get the bad end of the deal.
People are in dire need of content to drive advertising dollar and vie for the consumer dollar. Most of the content is music or entertainment driven. PLEASE give music, it’s creators, it’s movers and it’s shakers what they are due.
We have lost two whole generations to piracy. First physical (cassettes and CDs) and now with downloads (internet). Kids today spend a lot of money on lifestyle otherwise people would not be spending millions advertising their newest deal on talktime, who makes the best ice blended, what the trendiest phone in town is, cars that can plug in mp3 players… but when it comes time to buy music to add value to the lifestyle everyone turns to downloads with absolutely no thought (and no conscience) to those who deserve the money.
In an affluent age, from which we are from, you would think people would purchase albums. “Album are expensive”, is the excuse… from people who drink RM10.00 coffee and change their mobile phone every 6 months.
An album does not only involve the artistes. Just read the album cover and it will tell you there were musicians, producers, composers, lyricist, arrangers, sound engineers, album cover designers and later on when the album is marketed it will involve video directors, sound and light companies, entertainment journalists, record company executives and countless other people that give their creative input and professional energy.
We cannot hope to change the mindset of a generation brought up with freebies and a total disregard of creative talent. But everything starts with you and me. When you feel you want to download a song, when your kid downloads and burns an illegal CD, when someone buys a pirate copy of a CD or cassette… think again…..turn off the radio, kill the sounds of the mp3 player you’re holding, turn the volume of the movie you’re watching down …. Life will NEVER be the same without MUSIC.
Meanwhile to the brave men and women that continue to work this industry with passion and hope, I salute you. They give their lives to entertain you and me …. There’s really is NO business like show business.