Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Face to Face....

I've often wondered why I like to do adventurous things since I was young...

Then it occurred to me that I'm an adrenalin junkie... even my job pumps adrenalin but apart from pumping adrenalin over time I have come to realize something more important that living life on the edge is also a humbling experience.

When you skydive every time you touch the ground after jumping you understand that there is someone greater than you....

When you see the beauty of the underwater world (which is not our natural environment) you understand that we have a maker that is all mighty....

When you sit on the beach and see a sunset or the stars in a cloudless night sky it takes your breath away and you give thanks for the gift of life......

These experiences teach me how small I am and I am humbled every time I am faced with the Greatness of God....

Originally posted on Facebook Notes on Wednesday, June 4, 2008 at 2:41am

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