You would think that after doing this for 24 years one it would be a walk in the park but I never fail to have an anxiety attack before ALL my shows... to make sure you get the concept and performers right... then you have to execute it like no one has ever seen before... it is a task that no one can do alone.
I am blessed to be working with some of the best people in the business. I remember when I was 18 years old I saw a t-shirt that read, "How do you fly like an eagle when you're surrounded by turkeys"... and this is something that is so true. Organizers sometimes think that they pay one consultant or professional and, "Viola!!" all problems are solved. It doesn't work that way, we all have to be eagles to be able to fly high... it only takes one turkey to kill all the eagles. That's why I believe in NO compromise because we all want the best therefore all the bases are covered.... from stage to sound and light to performers to musicians to logistics to seating to promotions to toilet cleaner... all the jobs are just as important as each other... no one is more important or less important. Diligence...Patience... Understanding... Teamwork... Conscientiousness... needed in all areas.... going the extra mile is what makes the difference between normal and excellence.

The other part of this puzzle is the actual performer. We provide the platform for them to do things they would never dream of.... fly in the air...sing with a orchestra.... perform with someone else... when they understanding that we do our best to enhance their performance they in turn give their best. After all when the curtains go up the show is in their hands. So yes, I salute them too for providing magical performances.
And then we have to remember that we all have to pace ourselves to peak on the night of the show... not during soundcheck.... not during full dress rehearsals.... but ON THE NIGHT.

Think about it.... a gorgeous stage lit up by nice lighting, enhance by video screens with exquisite musical arrangements being played by wonderful musicians being mixed perfectly by a sound engineer and a talented singer comfortable with hearing themselves on stage monitors... yes it takes THAT much to entertain an audience. What are the odds that you can get so many things right without professionals in all those jobs and in more that those areas..
Stage designer, Stage Contractor, Video screens, Equipment and operators, Lighting designer and Operator, Music Arranger, Sound Engineer, Monitor Engineer, Stage Hands, Stage Managers, Musical Instrument Supplier, Artiste.... and the list goes on....
Even when I step back and look at the bigger picture it never fails to scare me .... at the recent AIM awards we had 100 Dikir Baraters, 70 National Service Trainees, 200 Hujan and Meet Uncle Hussain Fans, 25 Musicians, 35 Dancers... 50 Artistes... but all it takes is to for one to Artiste choke up when they are nominated, or win an award or have a chance to perform on a stage they never dreamed of ...that's how much the recognition means to them AND this is what drives me (personally) to continue to strive to do my best... this is what makes you want to do it all over and over again....
So I say thank you for the music.... for giving it to me.....
P/S : This is dedicated to my dream team : Ady, Akira Yamauchi, Alvin Koh, Atie, Faizal Zulkifli, Gerard Yeo, Itcha, Jay Jeffrey, Jim Teh, Ju, Koi, Mas Ayie, Mas Yeos, Nanee Surya, Nicole Poo, Ramli M.S., Rich Hamid, Sharina and Steve Ho...
Originally posted on Facebook Notes on Monday, May 4, 2009 at 3:41am
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