This is what I've learnt :
a) How to appreciate God, Nature and My Life
b) Patience (Good things come to those who wait)
c) The importance of friendship and watching out for them (the buddy system)
e) MALAYSIANS (I still love them) have a tidak apa attitude
f) Our education system is CRAP!!

b) Watching underwater photographers at work has shown me how patience pays off. They can wait motionless in one spot for minutes waiting for the subject to strike a pose but when you see their results you understand why they wait..... Good things come.
c) In diving you not only look out for yourself but for your buddy and others. That is a responsibility that all divers take. If you don't one day it could be you in trouble... And then out of water you have a special bond of friendship because you have experience things that some people may never do or see in their lifetime.... Friendship means looking out for each other!
d), e) f) Malaysian are badly educated in all things other than academic (and even that one wonders) we need to understand life is more than 13 A1s. It's about understanding, appreciation and conservation. We are taught nothing of this in school and we expect our future generation to care!!! Throwing rubbish outside, cigarette butts, plastic bags... adults and kids do it alike.... with not a second thought. Our government doesn't give a damn either... dustbins nowhere in sight in public places.... who cares that plastic bags kill, who cares that cigarette butts are non biodegradable.... I can't even begin to start the story and there is NO end in sight... but you know what I mean.....
But all of us can make a difference. Yes, unfortunately leadership IS by example... monkey see monkey do.... You throw tissue out the window, your kids throw tissue out the window..... you teach everyone that it's ok to touch and remove things from the sea, everyone says I saw someone else do it why can't I... When someone bought shells cheaply from a stall and in jest was told, "When The Buying Stops The Killing Will Stop Too"..... the truth hits home. It's true when there is demand there will forever be supply.... Sharks Fin, Tiger Bones, Bear's Paws, Ivory, Shells.....the list is endless.
Apathy is a Malaysian's standard reaction, "Aiya.. it's oklah, nevermind I can't do much anyway.."
Yeah diving made me think of all of this.... LIFE IS TOO SHORT.... we need to do what we can do in our lifetime. Understand, Appreciate and Conserve for others that come after us.... The future is in ALL out hands now it's just a matter of whether we CARE ENOUGH.
Originally posted on Facebook Notes on Friday, July 4, 2008 at 12:51am
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