Monday, August 10, 2009

The weekend

Another weekend passes by...

Went down to Tioman with the Marine Monkees which is always good for a laugh. The Tioman ferry ride was like hell thanks to extremely choppy water and a bunch of foreignors who did not want the aircon on in an enclosed ferry! So therefore - Enclosed ferry + No Aircon = Stuffy = No Oxygen = Nausea. So four of us sat outside and nursed out nausea for the last 30 minutes of the ride. Lucily no one fed the fish...

If Malaysia wants to put themselves on the Tourist Map they damn well have to do something about they conservation. Firstly Tioman was so badly shrouded with haze we couldn't even see it from a distance. Then there is SO much construction going on that there hasn't been a day when the visability underwater has been good in three months!! Last year during early October I went diving and the visibility was gorgeous. Imagine being able to see underwater for 25-30 metres and yes the marine life is a sight to behold. The marine life is still (so far) abundant in Tioman but you can't see further than 5 - 7 metres which is sad.

But all said and done I had a good weekend diving... yes a BAD day diving is still better than a good day at work!

Congratulations Chelsea on a job well done for winning the season opening Charity Shield... looking forward to the new season.

Peace, Love and Respect,

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