When talking to friends I always hear complaints about people they work with that do not complete work properly, do not go the distance, do not care. It got me thinking that I am lucky to be doing something that I AM passionate about, I BELIEVE in. I am also passionate about my photography and diving. I back a football team that I support with a passion.
Because I am passionate about what I do therefore I will probably ACHIEVE more than a person who doesn’t care.
I’m not saying that I didn’t have to try something to find out if I liked it or not. I tried marketing but found out that music was my passion. I tried sky diving but figured out that scuba diving was my passion. Passion and purpose go hand in hand. When you discover your PURPOSE, you will normally find it’s something you’re tremendously passionate about.
Recognizing what you love is NOT enough. It isn’t passion without commitment, without intimacy, without self-giving… that is why passion is that one step further.
We should constantly need to..... want to strive for better, reach higher, achieve more but this is impossible without passion. We need that fire that comes from inside to propel us to accomplish things that we only dream about.

For everyone my wish for you is that you find your passion…..
Peace, Love and Respect,